Thursday, April 17, 2008

How Nice

How nice it will be!
If the world is peaceful!

With birds chirping with joy
And trees growing with freedom

Let the nature be a peaceful place
If someone scolds you, just be with the nature for sometime.

Let the world be full of forests
With a small number of humans,vehicles and pollution

Without killing the animals
Like the brilliance of sun and moon

before we part from our souls,
Let us make these arrangements
at lest for our heirs to enjoy!

Save Nature

Save nature secure happiness,
For leading a life of brightness.

I think you know about the ozone hole,
If you cut more trees the ozone hole will increase,
If you plant more trees the hole will decrease.

Save your life by saving the nature
Or doing against it will put you in danger.

We all can remove the ozone hole,
If we work together,
if we plant more trees,
And not pollute the nature.