It is a glory of
An everlasting beauty;
Thirty years of hard work
Is main reason for their achievement;
This place is a big enlightenment
That grabs the attention of all spectators
Travelling throughout the world.
The origin of this paradise
was by cleaning a dirty river
Through which the trade developed.
One dollar.... 50 dollars........100 dollars.....
Money and trade expanded
As this paradise developed.
Day and worked
With an urge to succeed
To be a developed country;
The citizens followed the rules and laws
Made this little paradise clean and green.
This hard work did not go in vain,
This paradise is a reward for the citizens pain.
What place is this?
Yes, it is the one and only SINGAPORE!
Even today, the people remember
The war between
Development and poverty
Which once took place 30 years ago!
As a citizen of India
I hope that someday, even
My country will achieve this great success.
With the future citizens (like me)
Having an urge to make my country
A well developed one.
=D Great poem!
brilliant :D. coudnt have expressed it better.
Hey thats good... I just wish that more people of India should start feeling like you..
it is a wonderful expression to state that an unpleasant "hard work" to be leading to a pleasant "evelasting beauty".
Its a boon that a lot of Indians can be having thirty years to create such an everlasting beauty, hopefully the poet also being one among them.
i dollar,50 dollars 100 dollars, a beautiful path for evidence of development and that too 'Day and Night' to say 'day in and day out', the poet should have been an enthusiastic personality to see progress and growth in every walk of life. Have Poet, the great glory of development and enjoyment.
hey the poem was excellent..keep writing..hope to read more from u
A very Beautiful poem through which I can detect the patriotism you have got in your heart.The best thing is when you wish that our country would one day be like Singapore.And fortunately,I was lucky to witness Singapore's beauty.It's really breath-taking.And sorry for commenting after so long. I haven't got net at my house.
It is 'poem of a young mind, neatly,
sketched and eulogized for the beauty of appearance and encouragement'
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